“All great and precious things are lonely.” John Steinbeck


Zoe, from Australia’s Greatest Side Show Act, spins a hoop of fire!

A friend recently felt so alone and used, felt that all his efforts to do good were to no avail, as no one seemed to appreciate what he did. He was ready to give up, and become as selfish and self-serving as the majority, well that is what he said. What can you tell someone who feels so low and alone? Or, was he just having a bad day?

I guess we all feel these way at times, I know I certainly do. It appears to me, that there are those who do much for humanity, and that many don’t recognize that effort or even give thanks for it. That’s just how it is… When you really care about something, you don’t need to be recognized for it, you simply do it because you are a responsible person! Whilst, at the same time, there are those who are a burden on society, who do little to help themselves and are rewarded for the littlest of efforts. This does not appear ‘fair’, but that’s just the way it is… 

  I think that no matter what category we find ourselves in, from the useful humanitarian, to the lazy, the user, the abuser, we are in this life together! So, my advise to the humanitarian who is having a bad day, is to remember to follow your heart and do what feels right for you, then no matter what you do, you will feel happy. Take time out ‘for you’ at times to refresh yourself, to do the things that you personally enjoy, and to treasure your personal worth, as no one can take that away from you! Be your own best friend!

Existentially, we are all in ‘this’ alone; we came in alone, we go out alone, although we are intrinsically connected with everything. A conundrum that we all need to deal with, and the yearning to dissolve and become part of the ‘One’, some would say is an infantile yearning back to the womb, and others would say it’s their raison d’être.  I say, swim in your emotions, dive into your heart, and play the best part you can by embracing life!

Blessings and hugs, Bridget ❤

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