Clear Water


“Her thoughts are like the lotus, abloom by sacred streams, where quiet sits and dreams..” Tara Teasdale

I invite you to listen and watch my new meditation video, ofย  wind and trickling stream, bird songs and butterflies…๐Ÿ’—

Magpie lark and butterfly

“My heart is like a singing bird.” Christina Rossetti.
Magpie lark and wanderer butterfly

Magpie Lark (Grallina cyanoleuca) and wanderer butterfly( Danaus plexippus).

ย I was following a wanderer butterfly and I was fortuitous in catching it alight near a magpie lark ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.

Lesser Wanderer butterfly

โ€œWe are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.โ€ย  โ€•LeeAnn Taylor

Lesser wanderer butterfly(Danaus petilia).

I came across this beautiful lesser wanderer butterfly (Danaus petilia) in a local park. It made my day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Yellow Admiral beauty

This beautiful Yellow Admiral Butterfly joined me in my garden. It was wonderful. ๐Ÿ™‚ โค

Yellow Admiral Butterfly(Vanessa itea) beauty.

Little things matter


Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae) drinks nectar from onion weed.

How often do we dismiss the ‘little things’, especially if they are common?ย  In our busy lives, we often forget to ‘stop and to smell the flowers’.ย  It’s a shame, because there is so much intricate and delicate beauty in the smallest life, and this vulnerability deserves respect!

I went for a walk along a local creek, and found a shady spot to listen to bird and insect choruses. It was here, that I watched this butterfly dance and feed upon the flowers. It was such simple delight!ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ย  โค


Butterfly's Sanctuary

I was having some quiet time in the garden, and an Australian Admiral Butterfly joined me too ๐Ÿ™‚ <3.

A Spring walk up Anstey Hill and my meeting with some animal friends.

A red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus) checks me out!

A red kangaroo ( Macropus rufus) checks me out!

I went for a walk yesterday and climbed to the top of Anstey Hill, in the Anstey Hill Recreation Park, which is situated on the North Eastern boundary of the Mount Lofty Ranges, otherwise known as the Adelaide Hills Face Zone. The Adelaide Hills are the result of the Eden/Burnside fault in which two sides have squeezed together, forcing up the land. Occasionally ‘earth tremors’ย  and even quakes, such as the 1954 quake are experienced in Adelaide, as a result of this fault.

Putting geology aside, the walk on this sunny Spring day, brought out myriad of insects, animals and birds. I saw a multitude of butterflies, parrots, wattle birds, wrens, tits and honey birds, and had a family of three red kangaroos spy on me and follow me for some time, up the rocky path. This photo is the juvenile of the group, being only half the size of his parents!

The Spring orchids were just emerging, with ‘blue fairies’ and ‘donkey orchids’ showing their upturned faces, and the scent of Spring flowers intoxicated my senses! ๐Ÿ™‚

Australian Admiral Butterfly ( Vanessa itea ).

Australian Admiral Butterfly ( Vanessa itea ).



Painted Lady butterfly

A little dancer upon the breeze,
flutters up the hill to be near me.

A flash of orange-brown all around,
Prancing to her beat.
Dancing gracefully,
fluttering here,
fluttering there,
โ€˜oer trees against a clear blue sky.

Lifted upon the wind,
sheโ€™s coming closer,
oh sweet lovely,
I see her,
sheโ€™s almost hereโ€ฆ

Watching moving colours and patterns dance,
Makes my heart sing.
Orange, brown, yellow, crรจme and white,
outlined in black ink,
smiles upon the wind and lets her beauty shine.

Coming closer now, almost touching,
Butterfly does a curtsy and swirls around my head,
making me feel dizzy, giddy and ecstatic inside.

Sheโ€™s here nowโ€ฆ
Kissing me ever so gently,
to the hum of her beating wings against my face.

I feel her through my whole body, and sing,

Thank you, sweet sister of the wind,
Delighted by your presence.
I wish you a good day too,
And I see youโ€™re on your way…

ยฉ 2013 Bridget Cameron

Southern Dart-Skipper Butterfly delight

Southern Dart-Skipper Butterfly delight

I was walking around some Wetlands yesterday, taking in the magnificent watery views with its abundance of wildlife. It was a buzz watching ducks and water fowl swimming and having fun, whilst magpie larks, parrots and pigeons glided on high or nestled in tall branches. I decided to investigate further and began to walk through the marshes where ducks nested and dragonflies and butterflies played. It was here, that I spotted this Southern Dart, Ocybadistes walkeri hypochlora, so small, yet so intricate and lovely. Once home I could zoom in and check out all of its fine details, and now I share this lovely little butterfly with you. ๐Ÿ™‚



Iโ€™d like to think that most of the time little things matter more than the big things. When you think about it and think microscopically, most of earth is made up of space, space that we can not see, yet just because we canโ€™t see it, doesnโ€™t mean it is not there, and that it is not important. Far from it! Beautiful things like flowers, with their magnificent colour, design and perfume and dew drops, with their rainbow and diamond lustre are simply magnificent and free! Have a look at this gorgeous butterfly that landed on my daughter’s hand. These little things are truly valuable! ๐Ÿ™‚