Feasting Bee

                                                  bee gorging fantasic cropped sfe with sig by Bridget CameronJPG

Bee drinking nectar from Aeonium Gomerense flower

Feasting Bee

I was observing the layers of flowers,

within a newly headed rosette bloom,

when I chanced upon a bee feasting,

and dance upon the blooms.

Her  labor was a tune , bzzz bzzz,

her idleness a boon, and

collecting all that nectar

was a joyful thing to do.  🙂

© 2017 Bridget Cameron

Sparkly Sea

sparkly sea sfe by Bridget Cameron 1


As the shimmering Sea


The more it is exposed

To the sun’s glorious rays

So too

Is our consciousness

More illuminated

When we direct it

Towards the LIGHT!

© 2017  Bridget Cameron

Rainbow Dream

A little hypnotic music video I put together, inspired by a passing rainbow cloud…:)

Rainbow Dream

Life’s a big picture,
look at all the pretty colours.
Life’s a big picture,
on the big screen.
Open your eyes up,
see the beauty in the moment.
Open your heart up,
create your best rainbow dreams.

© 2016 Bridget Cameron


Sun meditation

“A mind that is calm, without hesitation and anticipation is meditation.”  Sri Sri

sun worship sfe Bridget Cameron sig

Much life exists on our planet because of the sun. Worshipping the sun has been a daily practice in many cultures, for thousands of years. Sun salutations is very auspicious and good for the body and the mind. The sages and preceptors have advised us to meditate during the morning and evening.

Be still and communicate with soul.

For, this is how we are made whole.

© 2010 Bridget Cameron

A walk in the moon light

I’ve been creating lots of meditation music lately. Here’s my latest piece, A walk in the moon light. I hope you enjoy the video too! 🙂

Guardian of the night,
Awakener of inner sight,
Shine your light into my soul,
Fill me and make me whole.

© Bridget Cameron

Quiet waters


 Quiet waters restore my soul…”  Psalm 23

“And the night shall be filled with music,
      And the cares, that infest the day,
Shall fold their tents, like the Arabs,
      And as silently steal away.” 


New Dawn

Here’s a relaxing video and music I created, called NEW DAWN, and my poem GRACE.     Just sit back and relax and let the waves soothe you. 🙂


Taste the sweet nectar of life,
allow it to fill you to the brim.
And, let the joy in your heart,
walk the landscape of your soul,
in the light of wonder,
with grace to guide your way…

© 2016 Bridget Cameron

Heart Treasure

cosmic mermaid 2011 by Bridget Cameron sfwe

Cosmic Mermaid by Bridget Cameron

I swim with the fish and all the creatures of the sea.

I travel the strings of pearls to the treasure chest of wisdom deep within my soul.

©  Bridget Cameron

Golden Surf

golden surf by Bridget CameronGolden surf, of liquid gold and bronze,

Quieten me to the lull of your changing songs.

White crests and rainbow liquid silk,

washes and renews by body’s milk..

Lie me down on your golden sands,

and let my body and soul rest in your gentle hands.

© 2015 Bridget Cameron

Hover Fly Magic

Hoverfly (Eupeodes corolae) drinks nectar from Tangelo flower.

Hoverfly (Eupeodes corolae) drinks nectar from Tangelo flower.

Hover Fly magic

Hoverfly, hoverfly, what do you taste?
You taste sweet nectar from the tangelo tree.
Drink it up, lap it up, gorge on it if you must,
And eat all the pollen before it turns to dust.
Your little adventure may be a feast to you,
Yet without it, they’d be no future for the tangelo tree or you.

©  Bridget Cameron

Cerise-Pink Rose of Beauty’s Embrace

cerise pink rose by Bridget Cameron


Harriet River Sunset Repose

Harriet River, Vivonne Bay, Kangaroo Island.

Harriet River, Vivonne Bay, Kangaroo Island.


Sun’s twilight reflections,

cast spells and inflections,

deep within meditations stare….

© 2015 Bridget Cameron



All the best for 2015, and may you blossom in love, giving, peace and happiness ❤ xx.



Stratosphere by Bridget Cameron smaller for email

The Christmas Budgie

Here’s a little Christmas poem and picture I created for children. Please share it! I also wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2015 New Year!

The xmas budgie by Bridget Cameron

The Christmas Budgie

I have a budgie, whose name is Zoom,
He likes to fly around my living room.

Last Christmas Eve when I wasn’t looking,
He found my Christmas stocking.

He bit a hole, right through the sole,
Then, popped his head right out that hole.

Delighted with his Christmas gown,
Zoom bobbed happily up and down.

He looked so proud, full of Christmas cheer,
It even brought me a Christmas tear.

Then, he started whistling Jingle Bells,
Singing wholeheartedly like Peals.

All on Christmas Eve, Upon my Christmas Reeve.

 ©  Bridget Cameron


ignited fairy sprites in green macro by Bridget Cameron sme

Fireworks sprites


Star Light, Star Bright,

Bring us Magic tonight…

© 2014 Bridget Cameron


” The windows of my soul I throw wide open to the sun.”  John Greenleaf Whittier.


I know that pain and suffering are one side of the coin of life,

thus accept them and grow through them,

whilst remaining vigilant to the joy and light within my heart,

and let them direct me.

© Bridget Cameron


“If you don’t know where you are going, any road will do.” ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

galactic conception

I sit here in wonder at the immensity of it all!
As a mere spec in the universal mind
I have a purpose,
Ever so small my part,
However, I have a purpose,
And it is this purpose that gives my life meaning.
For without it I would shrivel up and die.

© Bridget Cameron

Golden One

Golden One by Bridget Cameron.

This is a picture from my children’s picture book, Tickle me Pink. This book introduces colour, tickles and rhymes to young children. I just love the image of this child, so carefree and happy. Such unbridled joy! 🙂


Nature’s Tune

Carole with dog at Wigglies Waterhole, N.T. Australia.

Carole with dog at Wigglies Waterhole, N.T. Australia.


Meandering into the inner structure of a tree…

Golden Tree by Bridget Cameron.

Shimmer Unicorn

A little poem for the magician within all of us!

Shimmer Unicorn

Shimmer Shimmer Unicorn,
runs through the snow,
through mountains and over hills,
with her horn aglow.

Chasing lots of rainbows,
she reaps what she sows.
In her dreams,
she often sees,
the future that often grows.

©  Bridget Cameron



Painted Lady butterfly

A little dancer upon the breeze,
flutters up the hill to be near me.

A flash of orange-brown all around,
Prancing to her beat.
Dancing gracefully,
fluttering here,
fluttering there,
‘oer trees against a clear blue sky.

Lifted upon the wind,
she’s coming closer,
oh sweet lovely,
I see her,
she’s almost here…

Watching moving colours and patterns dance,
Makes my heart sing.
Orange, brown, yellow, crème and white,
outlined in black ink,
smiles upon the wind and lets her beauty shine.

Coming closer now, almost touching,
Butterfly does a curtsy and swirls around my head,
making me feel dizzy, giddy and ecstatic inside.

She’s here now…
Kissing me ever so gently,
to the hum of her beating wings against my face.

I feel her through my whole body, and sing,

Thank you, sweet sister of the wind,
Delighted by your presence.
I wish you a good day too,
And I see you’re on your way…

© 2013 Bridget Cameron

Inner Lights

And the angels sang heavenly praises by Bridget Cameron

And, the angels sing heavenly praises.

“Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others.” ~Buddha

Inner Lights

When in tune,
Heart and mind align,
Causing spirit to speak directly
Invoking grace.

How do we do this?

By focusing on the ‘inner light,  in ourselves and others.

      © 2014 Bridget Cameron

Sunset Sea

Sunset Sea

The evening sunset glistens upon the sea,
in orange, red, yellow and copper, for all to see.
Such beauty and majesty brings me to be,
in tune to the rise and fall of rhythmic glee.

© 2014 Bridget Cameron



Come on down, to the garden,
the garden of the sea.

Where coral life breathes,
just like leaves.

With colours of abundance,
that we should not make redundant.

Rich purples, pinks, yellows,oranges and lime,
let’s not let it turn to slime.

Where angel fish, lion fish, damsel fish do,
shark, cetacean,shell and worm make a home,too.

Where crystal clear reflections, refract in rainbow hues,
let’s do our part to keep it clean, now let’s take our cue.

© 2013 Bridget Cameron



At times, I need to remind myself of ‘the peace within’ when I feel swept away by external forces beyond my control. It is always deep at my centre, where I can calm my turmoil.

© 2014 Bridget Cameron



night set sea by Bridget Cameron

At night, when the sea cradles the womb of the land,
rippling liquid rainbows upon the sand,
I lie back on the dunes and look up at the moon,
moving from horizon to its zenith all too soon.
I hear the hush of the sea, its murmurs and swells,
and hear its rumbling, moving waves crashing like bells.
I feel the earth pulsing beneath me,
I feel the sea moving within me,
As I watch the stars above twinkle,
in a space-time distorted wrinkle,
Upon our Galactic home, Earth,
She is our hearth!

© 2014 Bridget Cameron



In the synthesis of the moment,
In a symbiotic attunement,

Consciousness becomes aware of creation,
Sublimation and ideation.
Bursting forth its inspiration,
Delivering fruits of the imagination,
Whole in its acted manifestation.

Recreation in the moment,
in a symbiotic attunement.

© 2014 Bridget Cameron




“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
Leonardo da Vinci


photo © Valentyn Volkov Volkov

Learning to fly, said the fly to the toad,

is an awfully easy thing to do.

Just think of where you want to go,

then flap real hard and you will surely go.

“That’s ok, if you have wings” said the toad with a moan.

The fly just smiled and said,

“Let your eyes look up and do the talking,

and then you will be walking,

straight to where you want to be.”

“But, I’m hungry now!” said the toad to the fly,

“and you will surely die!”

With a flick of his tongue,

as quick as a gun,

he licked that fly right out of the air.

Then swallowed real hard, that really wasn’t fair,

to poor old fly that could no longer fly.

The toad burped out loud and let out a sigh

then pronounced, “I guess it was your time to die.”

And in the darkness, the fly said one last goodbye,

before being absorbed by toad’s gastric juices,

no doubt a loser, or so it would seem.

For within a moment the fly found himself in a dream.

Lifted up from out of his pulped body,

  he ascended real high up into the light,

it was such a glorious sight,

oh what a flight!

He was not dead, no need to dread,

for life existed beyond the song,

and there he joined other souls’ along,

the very long road that pulsed with elephant, human and pine,

all singing fine,

to the heart of universal life.


© 2013 Bridget Cameron



Oh sweet beauty,
manifest before my eyes,
your solitude calls me to be still.

The soft green hues,
of the sun’s filtered light,
through your leaves,
rests my eyes.

I begin to relax,
As tension fades,
and unwind to peace.


Be Still…

© 2012 Bridget Cameron